Help me spread the news about devotionals and journalsThis week I started formatting books written by my grandmother, Anna Daisy Siemens, and my mom, Emily Ann Combs. They’ve been on my back burner all year long and now they are front and center. Will you help me spread the news about devotionals and journals?

In the next two weeks, the Planted Flowers Bible Study Workbook will be live and ready to download. I’ll be doing a free promotion first and then a 99 cent promotion. You don’t want to miss adding this book to your library for free! Click here to be notified first!

Then, in mid to late October, I’ll be simultaneously publishing The Lines are Fallen by Anna Daisy Siemens, and Reflections on the Fruit of the Spirit (working title) by Emily Ann Combs. If you want to be on the team, helping me spread the news by forwarding emails to friends so they can download the books for 99 cents each, sharing Facebook posts, or telling your friends, fill out the form below!

In November, I’ll be publishing the Pray Specifically Journal. This journal will help us pray specifically for our loved ones and the world. It also helps us pray according to God’s word and listen to God’s voice.

Spread the news about devotionals and journals!

Early next year, I’ll be editing Dandelions: 52 Sermons by Anna Daisy Siemens. I will also republish more of her books.

My focus is on publishing devotionals, journals, Christian fiction, and books on parenting and relationships. If your interest runs more to Christian fiction, then join the Planted Flowers Bible Study Workbook launch team now! It will turn into the Christian fiction launch team in late October. The parenting and relationships launch team will form later in 2018.

Fill in the form below now!

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