Emily’s Cat Mysteries – A Cat Cozy Mystery series
Emily’s Cat Mysteries series is a light, fun, cat-filled story about an introverted coder during the pandemic. Set in early 2020, Emily begins the year on a high note. She purchases her first home and partially furnishes it, but the pandemic hits. She enjoys working from home, but after a while, she decides to fulfill her childish wish for a kitten.
Follow Emily’s experiences and discoveries during the lockdown and the past few years’ crazy events.
First Official Post
Of course, today, it is raining. I love driving in the rain. And I like the way my car –…
Driving to work, most days
Driving to work can become almost automatic. I’ve discovered that this is true when I planned to go to Fry’s…
Sunshine improves the mood, generally
I love sunshine! Everything always looks so clear and clean after the rain. The sun brings out the green in…
Driving to work, most days
Okay, so I already wrote this post, but the spell check needed pop ups which my handidandy browser was blocking….
Desperate Driving, are you late?
So many people do desperate driving on a regular basis. It is when you are late getting somewhere or when…
Odd things being transported
Yesterday while driving to work I saw a truck with a small wooden building in the back of it. He…
Reflections on Easter
When I was a little girl we lived on a piece of land that had a wooden cross on it….
Lawnmowers and my son growing up
I have the lawnmower and edger in the back of the car. Had the really interesting experience of having my…
Spring Spiders
Spiders come out in the spring here. In lovely sunny Southern California in the spring we have spiders come out…
Nutrasweet and Hormones
Well, I guess it is official. Nutrasweet causes hot flashes in me. Either it leaches out my estrogen or some…
Sidetracked What?
I’ve been trying to work on my SHE tendencies lately. What’s that you say? SHE? Sidetracked Home Executive. In other…
Two Kinds of People
There are two kinds of people: Those who love getting together with other people for pretty much any reason; and…
Mother’s Day Bag
I was getting my hair cut this evening when a lady came in to get a gift certificate for her…
Be Strong and Courageous! Who, Me?
So many places in the bible it mentions to be strong and be courageous. I’m thinking that that’s fine for…
Being Thankful
Thanksgiving brings up different memories for different people. Family is always a part of those memories, whether they are good…
Happy Birthday Big Brother!
Today is my older brother’s birthday. He turns 54 today. I have a lot of respect for my older brother….
So, it’s been a whole year!
Honesty, sorry about that. I guess I should blog more. I’ve recently started a small group myspace since some of…
Reading my bible is conversing with God?
I usually start thinking about next year’s devotions early in November. It takes me awhile. I like to wait to…
How Awesome is Our God
When I was barely 18 I saw my first real mountain. The Sandias just east of Albuquerque, NM awed me….
Just Trying To Help
When I was growing up, our supper conversations sometimes got a little loud. I have three older brothers and we…