God Gives Rest from Fighting Enemies
Lord, thank You for giving us rest. You provide us with rest from our enemies. You give us homes in which to rest. Even in our rest, provide us with compassion for others still fighting their enemies. Help us fight with them until they, too, can rest in their homes.
Thank You, Lord, for selecting a place for me. You have planted me firmly in that land. It is my own and a place of peace. Lord, let me be like Solomon, who was a man of rest. You give me rest from my enemies on every side. You provide me with peace and quiet.
I rest in the hope of living forever with You, Lord. You have delivered me from my enemies. They cannot stand against me. Lord, You are good, and Your loyal love lasts forever.
Lord, I call to You, and You answer me. You tell me of great things beyond what I can imagine. Lord, You tell me things I could not have known. You have planted me here and will not uproot me.
We Rest in Hope In God
Lord, Thank You for blessing me. You are good, and Your loyal love lasts forever. You, Lord Jesus, are the hope of all hopes and the dream of our dreams. I have hope for Your faithfulness.
Thank You, Lord, for the amazing things You did for me. It was more than I could imagine. Thank You, Lord, for repopulating the land with people and animals. No devastation is impossible for You. You tell me great things when I call out to You, Lord.
Lord, I rest in this hope You have given me. I will live forever with You, O God. And that hope is real and true. It is an anchor to steady my restless soul. Lord, this hope leads me back to where You are. And I stand in Your presence.
We Rest in God
God Gives Rest Entering God’s Rest
Day of Complete Humble Rest God paused His Labor and Rested
God’s Spirit Rests on Me
Rest and Fully Trust God’s Faithfulness Rest in God’s Faithfulness
Beauty and Grace of God Rests on Us
Resting Place of Shelter and Safe Retreat
God’s Peace Rests on You. Blessings Rest on You
We Rest in Hope in God