Update Your Contact Information

I’m moving all of my subscribers to SendFox, a new email system. I’ve decided to move away from ConvertKit because SendFox is less expensive for me. I’m happy to announce you can update your email address, add a first name and last name, or decide not to be a part of AP Creations. Update your contact information now!
This will be an active list only who will receive prayers, scriptures, devotions, and news of any books I publish in the future. Conversely, you can stay in contact through Restorer of Streets Community, where I house my beta reader list, launch teams, my courses, both paid and free, and provide a place of the safe community away from politics and ads.

Coming soon from AP Creations:
- New books – Christian fiction and devotional
- New courses at Restorer of Streets Community
- Prayer for you in every email
- Devotional verse calendars at Restorer of Streets Community
- A new Guided Planted Flowers Bible Study course
Update Your Contact Information Now!
We want you to know you are loved. Our mission is to encourage you, inspire hope, listen well, and love richly. Join us and keep in touch! Use the form above to update your contact information!