We are wounded in different ways all the time. People sin. We have expectations that are not met. We look for comfort and love from sources other than God. We turn away from God and put our trust in ourselves. We sin. We hurt other people. We neglect our loved ones. We frown when we should smile. We close up our real selves and we do not share with others who we really are.And we miss out. We miss out on small moments of joy with each other. We miss out on God’s provisions. We miss out on God’s plans. We don’t see God taking care of us or protecting us because we are too busy with our plans. We miss the smallest blessings that God has sent our way because we are focused on ourselves, on our problems, on the mountains bearing down on us.But God does not leave us there. He cannot. He pursues us, even in the face of a cold shoulder or just plain ignoring of his love. He is a big God who loves us. We were not perfect when he sent his son to die for us. And he chases after us everyday and waits for us to turn around. We just need to turn around to see him there.He reaches out to each of us every single day. He sends a scripture for us to read and he reminds us of his promises. He is in the smile of a small child. He is in the graceful thank you of the elderly. He is in the comfort of a furry pet. He is in a mother’s hug. He is in the thoughtful note of a friend. He is in the book you just happened to pick up. We have someone who is there beside us. He walks alongside us every moment of everyday. He is there for counseling or advice. He is there to give answers to a knotty problem. He is there to just talk about your day. He is there.Psalm 147:3 He heals the heartbroken and bandages their wounds.Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for the wrong we did; he was crushed for the evil we did. The punishment, which made us well, was given to him, and we are healed because of his wounds.Isaiah 58:8 Then your light will shine like the dawn, and your wounds will quickly heal. Your God will walk before you, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind.I Peter 2:24 Christ carried our sins in his body on the cross so we would stop living for sin and start living for what is right. And you are healed because of his wounds.Psalm 56:8 You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.Psalm 109:21-22 But deal well with me, O Sovereign LORD, for the sake of your own reputation! Rescue me because you are so faithful and good, For I am poor and needy, and my heart is full of pain.