A long time ago, just before the Great Depression in 1929, a little girl was born to two school teachers. Anna Daisy came from a Mennonite community in Kansas, and Herman Bennie taught school near the farms of his youth in Oklahoma. Emily sported the family name of Anna as her middle name. She was precious to behold. Who is Emily? She’s my mom.
Who is Emily?
With washed-out blonde hair, referred to as a towhead, Emily determined to be the best at everything. She learned what was right and would shout it to strangers as they walked by her home. Her piano skills improved with her momma’s steady patience. Her singing voice led her to dreams of stardom.

Who is Emily? A writer, painter, teacher, and mother.
She enjoyed the movies of her youth and struggled against the rules of her home. But the God of her parents became her God at a young age. Her walk with God began early, at eight years old, and continues to this day. She writes snippets of devotions every day for adults and children. She shares her new blog posts with whoever asks, including caretakers and residents at my father’s nursing home.

Every day is a new opportunity to learn something new, and Emily loves it. At 88, she enjoys catching up with cousins and their children on Facebook. She still laughs about when she dreamed of a beautiful painting with watercolors. Impatient to see the finished project, she didn’t wait for each color to dry and ended up with a lovely brown blob. It was a continual lesson of learning, as she asked of each new endeavor, ‘How hard can it be?’
Check out Emily’s books below
Emily loves a relaxing evening with a bowl of fruit and a cup of hot tea, usually lulled to sleep with some quiet television.