Protection For Everyday
Kindness Stands Watch With Strong Love and Truth
Thank You, O Eternal God, for not holding back on Your kind ways from me. Your strong love stands watch over me. Your truth keeps me from harm. I trust in You. In You, I find a gentle refuge.
Thank You, Lord, that I am a living testimony to the incredible riches of Your grace and kindness. By uniting me with Jesus Christ, You freely give me Your grace. Thank You for blessing my spiritual journey. I continue to mature and stand tall in confidence. My confidence comes from knowing God’s will.
Kind and True
Thank You, Lord, for Your kindness and favor. I will give whatever I can spare to those in need. Lord, You bless me with great wealth and honor. Kind and genuine are Your ways to me. Help me always be true to You, the Eternal God. Protect me with Your love.
Lord, thank You that my life is abundant. I am like a lush olive tree cared for at Your Home. I put my trust in Your kind love forever and ever. Your love never fails. Since I pursue justice and treat others with kindness, Lord, You have given me a true life marked by integrity and respect.
Lord, thank You for telling me what is pleasing in Your sight. You ask me to live justly, love kindness, and walk with You humbly. Interrupt my plans with Your Holy Spirit. Lord, I am Yours inside my secret places.
Thank You, Lord, for Your extravagant love, which You lavished on me. You call me Your child.