God’s Love Floods Us and Brings Comfort to Our Hearts
Lord, I bless You with my whole heart and soul. I praise the Eternal God with my mind and my will. Every day I sing a new song from my grateful heart. I will never forget all You have done for me.
You have forgiven me of my sins despite my many offenses. Thank You, Lord. for You have healed my loved ones and me. You redeem my life from the destructive effects of this sinful world. Thank You, Lord, for delivering me from death.
Thank you for your loving kindnesses and tender mercies. I am satisfied daily by Your grace, unfailing love, and compassion.
You restore me with strength and refresh my mind. I am filled with good and beautiful things. You satisfy me as long as I live.
Thank You, Lord, for restoring justice in my life and world. You bring righteousness each day. Thank you for making things right for those wronged, enslaved, raped, or murdered.
God's Love is Focused on Us
Lord, thank You for taking pity on me. You know me and how I was made. Thank You for loving me as my heavenly Father. You know that I am frail.
Lord, You have explored my heart and know who I am. You even know the small details of my life. You know what I am thinking. You watch over me while I'm sleeping or working. You know everything I do. You know what I'm going
to say.
You surround me from every side and placed Your hand on my shoulder. Where can I go without Your Spirit? How could I escape Your watchful presence? You are in heaven, and You are with the dead.
You are with me when I fly or travel over the sea. You guide me, and Your right hand embraces me. When I am afraid of the coming darkness, You can see what is around me.
You put me together before I was born. I am Your unique creation. It fills me with awe and wonder. Your works are amazing, and I carry this thought deep in my heart.
Nothing about me is hidden from You. You saw me growing before I was born - every detail of my life was already written in Your book. The length of my life has already been established. God, Your thoughts and plans are treasures to me.
When I wake up, I am with You, Lord. Explore me, God, and know the real me. Dig more deeply and discover who I am. Test me and see me handle the strain in Your strength. Guide me down Your path forever.
God’s Love Focused on Us
God’s love: floods us and brings comfort to our hearts – soothing company – brings everlasting life – patient and kind – has no arrogance – focused on us – rich in understanding – surpasses all
by Anna K Payne
God’s love focused on us
God loves us. He gave His only and beloved son as the sacrifice for our sins. Jesus willingly became a man and laid down His life.
God’s love brings comfort to our hearts, and it is a soothing company to us daily. Because of His love, we have eternal life.
His love has no arrogance. God’s love is patient and kind. It is rich in understanding.
The Eternal God of heaven surpasses all we can ask or imagine. Thank you, O God Almighty, for loving us!