Rejoice in God’s Salvation

Eternal God, thank You for hearing my prayer. Your eyes watch over me. I rejoice in Your goodness. Thank You, Lord, that I can dress in Your salvation. My heart rejoices in You, the Eternal One. And my strength grows strong in You. I celebrate how You have saved me.

Lord God, I put my hope in You, knowing You would save me. You are my God. I rejoice and celebrate in Him liberating me. Thank You, Lord, for setting me down in a safe place. You take joy in me, and I am Your delight.

Thank You, Lord, for discovering true joy and happiness when I looked for You. I cherish how You saved me. You are great and first in my heart. I’ve seen how You rescue, and I sing a song of joy. Lord, I shout with praise in my heart, You save and rescue me! I shout jubilantly, for You are righteous. Your teaching brings me great joy. Songs of joy erupt from my heart and mouth. I choose Joy. Lord, I choose You.

With joy in my steps, I drink from the springs of Your salvation. I am filled with joy, and my soul vibrates with expectant hope. You dressed me in Your salvation and wrapped me in a robe of Your righteousness.

Rejoice from God’s Perspective

I rejoice in You, Lord. My eyes are bright, and a smile is on my face. Your good news revives my spirit and renews my health. Lord, I rejoice in You. With singing and dancing, I rejoice in You, Eternal God. Your love permeates my life and relationships. I have joy and blessings in You. 

I pursue joy in You, Lord God. Your joy carries me through every day with its toil and hardship. And in You, I choose Joy.

Lord God, I love Your commands and find joy in them. I make a beautiful noise to You, the Eternal God. You take joy in me. You joyfully celebrate me. I rest in Your love for me. I bring joy to You, Lord, by coming together with your people as one in mind, spirit, and purpose. We share in Your love.

I Choose Joy Daily Prayer Guide
Rejoicing in God's Salvation - I Choose Joy

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