Anna, one who is sent by Jesus Christ, is commissioned by the will of God to write to hurting women faithful to Jesus our Lord. May the Father, God, and Lord Jesus surround you with grace and peace as you read these letters to the hurting.
I bless the Father God, who grants us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms where we live in Christ. It is not because of anything we have done but what He, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, have done for us.
God chose us and offered us a relationship with Him. His offer existed before time began. He wants us to live lives characterized by love, free from sin, and blameless before Him.
His Gracious Love
Our destiny has always been to be adopted as His children through the promise of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. This gives God pleasure, and it gives us pleasure to walk in His will for us.
God is worthy of praise. He shows us His grace. God is merciful and marvelous. He freely gives us these gifts in Jesus, His son.
Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, His blood spilled for us sets us free. We are forgiven by the richness of His grace! He pours His grace all over us.
We Are Forgiven!
God has enlightened us to the great mystery of His will. Through Jesus, He shared His wisdom and insight with us so that we could comprehend His love for us. God showed us His intentions with joy and celebration.
His plan will be complete when He returns. Yes, Lord Jesus, come quickly. When Jesus returns, he will create order and unity in heaven and earth. At that time, all things will be brought together under Christ Jesus’s royal rule. In Jesus, we inherit even more. As His heirs, we will play a key role in His unfolding purpose: energizing everything to conform to God’s will. We will rule with Him in His coming kingdom.
Place Our Hope in Him
But before He comes, we place our hope in Jesus Christ. We live our lives in a way that brings Him glory and praise. And what brings Him praise?
When the world can see Christ Jesus living through us as we minister to the poor, marginalized, the homeless, and the strangers in our land, we live justly, treating all as equals. Arrogance and pride are cast aside daily to see our worth as God sees it.
I thank God as he frees and rescues all who belong to Him. Whatever we tie up and secure on earth is secured in heaven. And whatever we release on earth is already released in heaven. To God be the glory and the power, in Jesus’s mighty name, Amen.