Planted Flowers Christian Fiction Series

Lily Planted Flowers Book 1

Welcome to the Planted Flowers series!

The Planted Flowers series began simply as a homework example for the How to Write a Series class by Holly Lisle. Each book was to be about 20,000 words to make it possible to finish the series during the class. But there was another reason!

The series began as part of a class

“I have always wanted to write a set of stories on the dynamics of a small group. I wanted to show the strong relationships and friendships that grow between women in a bible study. And I wanted to explain how God involves each unique individual and their experiences to provide a clear view of who He is. As each woman shares the unique qualities of God they need is shown to everyone.”

Planted Flowers Bible Study Workbook

Start your own Planted Flowers bible study

“Planted Flowers was created during a time of change in my own life. I cherished the time spent with my children and opportunities to hear their imaginations at work.”

For more information on Planted Flowers or for help forming your own Planted Flowers bible study, check out the website.