For Every Day

Your Kingdom Come

Dear Lord God, my Father in Heaven and my Savior help me this day to show Your grace and mercy to others and to myself.

Lord, grant authority to those who will follow Your way of justice, mercy, and compassion. We need leaders every day in every position that will treat others with respect and honor. Help us to recognize and rejoice in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Lord, show us how to provide space for the little children to come to You. When we embrace the children and their child-like wonder, we come closer to You. Help us not to stand in the way of anyone coming close to You, Lord God.

Guide our hearts and thoughts to receive Your messages to us. Help us to use our gifts from You for others. You have given us safety and security, food and clothing as we need it. Let us seek You first and glorify Your name.

Help us to trust in Your righteousness only and treat others with Your compassion and mercy.

Liberate those in Prison through Injustice

Lord God, place Your compassion in our hearts for those imprisoned. Grant those in prison favor with the guards and wardens. Provide peace and safety for each person who is in prison. But, Lord, we also seek justice for those in prison because of systematic injustice. Speed up the procedures to discover those imprisoned for non-violent offenses, especially those given extreme sentence lengths.

Lord, for those imprisoned by emotions, and physical limitations, who need healing. For those who are living as if in iron chains and misery, free them. Lead them out into the world of light.

Lift us all out of the dark prison of our souls. We will sing to You with gratitude. You treat us with astounding goodness. For all people who have been plundered and robbed, provide them liberty, a place of safety, and an honored name. Release us from the trap. We are depleted, while none have come to the rescue.

Free us from fear and allow us to live in confidence. We know that You rescue us and will not let us die in chains or suffer from hunger. Lord, You have appointed us for a particular purpose. We all cry to You. We call for freedom from imprisonment for those held captive or bound up in prison!

Lord God, free all prisoners, send them home safe and secure, give them hope, and restore them twice as much as was taken. Free all who have been held down by oppression. We pray to You, Lord, for the safety and freedom of prisoners.

Strong Words Daily Prayer Guide

Pray Scripturally Every Day

Hi. Anna here. If you are anything like me, then you are busy. You’ve got real obligations, life happening around you, and every day
is a delicate balance of family, business, and health. I get it.

That is why I’ve created this Daily Prayer Guide. It is how I know I am praying scripturally for my family, my business, my church, and my world. I spent months reading scriptures and transforming them into prayers. These are my prayers for each of you each

The prayer guide is divided up into an everyday prayer and then specific areas of life for each day of the week. Feel free to expand on it and add your own verses to it. You can share your verses by joining the Restorer of Streets Community and posting in the prayer topic.

Strong Words Daily Prayer Guide
Be Strong and Courageous

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