Rich Daily Prayer Guide

God Richly Inhabits Me

Lord God, thank You for giving me every seed-bearing plant and fruit-bearing tree for food and nourishment. You have placed me in a rich pasture abundantly full of food and water. It is a quiet and peaceful land.

Thank You, Lord, that Your word richly inhabits my life. I teach, counsel, and instruct my family with Your wisdom. I sing psalms and compose hymns or songs inspired by Your Spirit. You keep me singing from the heart that spills over with thankfulness.

I abide in Your love, Lord. You love me and reside in my heart. My life is rooted in Your love through faith in Christ Jesus.

Richness of God’s Grace

Lord God, thank You for allowing me to be in Your hands. You have given me the message of God’s grace. That message is powered by You, and it builds me up. I have a rich heritage with all those set apart for Your holy purposes.

Your grace comes to me through my Lord Jesus Christ. Through His sacrifice, He made it possible for me to gain great riches. I have been set free from my sinful ways through the blood of Jesus Christ. I am forgiven by the richness of Your grace.

For all eternity, I stand as a living testimony of the incredible riches of Your grace and kindness. You united me with Jesus Christ and His sacrifice He freely gave for me. I am a grace-made woman. It is my privilege to be an echo of Your voice to all the nations. Your riches are unimaginable.

Rich Daily Prayer Guide

The Unfathomable Riches of God

  • Richly Inhabits me
  • Abundance and Rich Legacy Rich Heritage
  • Richness of God’s Grace
  • Richness of God’s Love and Mercy
  • Rich in understanding and knowledge
  • Unfathomably Rich in Faith
  • Rich in Good works

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