(My grandmother, Anna Daisy Siemens, wrote poetry and prose. This devotion was written and published for Devotions for the Deaf in 1994)Romans 12:15 – Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.Job felt that his misery outweighed the sands of the seas but his friends thought he deserved all his boils. They had no compassion for Job. Neither could Haman rejoice for Mordecai when the King honored this Jew. So what is harder to do, to rejoice with others or to grieve with them? Jesus set us an example. He did both.In Luke 15, Jesus tells the three stories. A shepherd leaves a flock of ninety-nine to find one lost sheep. A woman swept her house to search until she found her one lost coin. The prodigal son received a royal welcome when he came home. They all invited neighbors to rejoice in their own joy. We should rejoice with every sinner that comes home.Jesus wept at Lazarus’ tomb. He grieved for Jerusalem and for the rich young ruler. He comforts us in sorrow and rejoices with his every blessing.Prayer: Lord, give me compassion for those around me and for all of God’s creatures.