I am thankful. It seems that I have to work at being thankful. I sometimes get caught up in the “can’t, won’t, don’t, isn’t” of life and forget all that I have. But I am thankful.I am thankful I have a God who loves me and will provide for my every need. He brings me joy in the little things. He helps me see the pretty flowers and beautiful clouds. He helps me see the beauty in people and the twinkle in the eyes of a child.I am thankful that he is a personal God who calls to me. He pursues me. I can hear his voice calling to me. I hear him in the hauntingly beautiful sounds of the cello that sends my senses soaring. I can feel his presence around me and know that his hope is enduring. I know that he is God, he is all-powerful and he loves me.I am thankful for the heritage I have from my family. Loving God has been handed down through the generations. I have prayed with my grandparents and my parents. I have studied God’s word with my husband’s parents and prayed with them. I have seen my family reach out to others and bring them into the folds of our home. I am thankful that our couches are used often. Family drops by. Sometimes friends drop by. Occasionally people stay over. We enjoy seeing others and sharing what we have.I am thankful that my children are blessed with talents and strength of mind. I am thankful that I have a husband who loves me. Even more I am thankful that he loves God and seeks his presence.I am thankful that God desires us to grow closer to him every day. He grows our faith strong in his truth. And we overflow with thankfulness.Colossians 2:6-7 And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.Thank you Michael for the beautiful sounds of the cello.

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