Check out our new mugs of hope. Remind yourself of God’s goodness everyday.
AP Creations Designs inspirational and fun mugs. Click here to browse cups, hats, shirts, and more.

Rest in Jesus. One of my favorite verses. Jesus asks us to trust Him with our lives and He will give us rest.
The motto I live by: Inspire hope, encourage others, love richly, listen well through Christ Jesus our Lord!
Check out the designs based on books I’ve helped publish. Lily, Return to Happiness, from the Planted Flowers series. Lines Have Fallen by my grandmother, ADS.
What do you use to help motivate yourself? This one is mine: Trust God, Trust Yourself, and do the dishes. Meaning – God loves us and is concerned about everything in our lives. Sometimes our next steps are not witnessing to strangers or bringing healing and change to the hurting. Often, God needs us to do our laundry and the dishes.
What are your favorite verses? What affirmations do you use?