Peace in the Midst of Storm and Turmoil
Lord God, thank You for being my shelter and secret retreat. In You, I find peace in the middle of storms and turmoil. You keep me safe in Your hiding place. You set me high above the fray on a rock-solid foundation through the blood of Jesus Christ.
I am not afraid. I am not troubled. You, the Eternal One, promised to liberate me from exile, far from You. You bring my children home to You. We return home to peace and quiet because of You, Lord God.
You are on my side, Lord. I am Yours through Jesus Christ. Jesus left me His peace. It is my legacy from the Lord. Because of Your peace, I will not be afraid. Lord Jesus, You told me there will be times of trouble. But I am not scared. I am whole and at peace because Jesus Christ, You have triumphed over this corrupt world. Lord God, You are the source of all hope and infuse me with abundant joy and peace. My hope overflows through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Abundance of Joy and Peace
Thank You, Lord, for days of joy. Remind me of who You are. Help me to remember Your blessings and promises. I joyfully offer praise to You, Lord.
I advocate for peace through You, Lord, and joy fills my life. With Your word in my heart, I am a mighty warrior in prayer. I go out in joyous praise. You lead me home in peace. Even the trees and rocks erupt in song because You go before me.
Lord, through Your Spirit, I carefully do what is right and fair. Lord, allow me to bring You joy, praise, and honor among all nations. The peace and prosperity You give me make others pause.
Thank You, Lord, that You care about redeeming justice, true peace, and joy from Your Holy Spirit. Thank You, Lord, that I am strong in You. I carry the weaknesses of others to bless Your name. I pray that You, Lord, will be their source of hope and infuse their lives with joy and peace.
Even though my life is surrounded by turmoil, I am overflowing with joy and peace. You are my King and Savior. In You, Lord, I show unconditional love, joy, peace, and patience. Your Spirit allows me to be kindhearted, good, and faithful.
The God of Peace Loves You
The God of peace gives us peace in the midst of a storm or turmoil. He helps us be whole and at peace. Through Him, we know peace and experience justice. God tempers justice with peace, grace, and mercy.
We have abundant joy and peace through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Because of this, we can live together in peace within our borders, neighborhoods, or towns.
God keeps us in perfect peace—peace not as the world gives but life-giving peace. His plans for us are for peace. With His help, we speak peace over His people.
Lord, thank You for Your peace. It gives me life and the courage to speak for You. Spread Your peace throughout the world. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.