It is a short time now. Just a few more days. A matter of minutes or hours. How precious are these short times we have with those we love. How short a time we have with them. Our visits are so few. Our conversations minimal and trite.
I want to spend more time with these people that I love. How could I have missed what a big part they play in my life? How could I not appreciate their presence? I have been living out my life with blinders on. I have not seen these people here in my home or these people who care so much for me.
Who are these people? They are my friends. They are my acquaintances. They are my neighbors. They are my parents. They are my siblings. They are my children. They are my spouse. They are the people who surround my life with their presence. They are the people I love. They are the people God has sent into my life for me to love. They are those I have been meant to touch with my life.
But I have been so selfish and so self-centered. I could barely peek over the seeming mountains of my life to see beyond my own self. God forgive me for not seeing how precious these people are. Forgive me for not loving them the way I should have all along. Forgive my impatience to get on with my life and miss out on what my life is.
For these people I have missed, let them know how much you love them. For those people who have gone on without me, I know they know the joy of heaven. For those people that I have not reached out to, may they forgive me for not loving them the way God has provided.
Each moment of every day is precious. It is a time for me to remember how short life is. It is now that I should look and see the small joys in my life. I spend my time worrying about the cares of this life. God help me to spend my time enjoying the precious people in my path. Help me to enjoy the challenges before me. Help me to know that you are with me every step of the way. Help me to spread to others this joy, this peace, this love and this hope that you have given me.
When I feel tempted to wallow in discouragement or self-pity or anger or despair, help me instead to wallow in your joy. Whether that joy is sparked by the beautiful green of a leaf, the stark blue of the sky, the myriad of shapes of clouds, the stark beauty of a sunrise or sunset, or the soft smile of another human, let me wallow in that joy. You have gifted me with this life. Let me spread your joy.
And for those people who are now in your presence, I will miss them. But they are so happy and carefree. They are buoyant. Help us to comfort those left behind. Let us hold precious the moments we have left with our loved ones knowing that we will see them again.
Psalm 39:4 Show me, LORD, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is.
Revelation 21:3-5 I heard a voice thunder from the Throne: “Look! Look! God has moved into the neighborhood, making his home with men and women! They’re his people, he’s their God. He’ll wipe every tear from their eyes. Death is gone for good—tears gone, crying gone, pain gone—all the first order of things gone.” The Enthroned continued, “Look! I’m making everything new. Write it all down—each word dependable and accurate.”
Love Came Down by Brian Johnson
If my heart is overwhelmed and I cannot hear Your voice
I’ll hold on to what is true though I cannot see
If the storms of life they come and the road ahead gets steep
I will lift these hands in faith
I will believe

I remind myself of all that You’ve done
And the life I have because of Your Son

Love came down and rescued me
Love came down and set me free
I am Yours I am forever Yours
Mountain high or valley low
I sing out remind my soul
That I am Yours I am forever Yours

When my heart is filled with hope
and every promise comes my way
When I feel Your hands of grace rest upon me

Staying desperate for You God
Staying humbled at Your feet
I will lift these hands and praise
I will believe

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