It was a day similar to many that had gone by. I woke up with a prayer on my lips. God, be with my husband today. Guide his words and protect him from those who intend to cause his reputation harm.

I turned back to the scripture I had been given the night before. God will provide protection. He will show my husband the words to say. He will do as he has said. He will be there and will be a shield.

Psalm 31:19 – 20 How great is your goodness that you have stored up for those who fear you, that you have given to those who trust you. You do this for all to see. You protect them by your presence from what people plan against them. You shelter them from evil words.

I could not believe it later that day. God had been faithful. For one of the few times in his life, my husband had spoken directly and honestly. He had been fairly calm and had still held his own in the meeting. This was an answer to my prayer.

I have always appreciated my husband’s ability to be calm and tactful in the face of difficult people. He is a kind man full of compassion and gentleness. He treats others with kindness and respect. He always expects others to treat him the same way. He is responsible and dependable. He gets the job done. He expects those who work with him to be the same.

Unfortunately, there are not so many people who are responsible and dependable. There are those who are not kind or respectful. They are interested in getting by, getting out of work, or doing only enough. He feels let down by these people. And he feels frustrated because he cannot trust them to get the job done right.

So this day, I had prayed for my husband to be more direct than it is his habit to be. I had prayed for my husband to speak the truth with tact and not to take blame that was not his. I had prayed for protection for his reputation. God delivered.

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