Vera, who reads and reviews everything from A-Z, writes for Vera’s Book Reviews and Stuff. The website contains honest reviews and brings a touch of DIY recipes she trusts.
“I read each book/novel in its entirety before I post a review to insure an honest unbiased review. Please keep in mind that each review is my opinion of the book which could vary from your opinion.”
Honest Reviews at Vera’s Book Reviews and Stuff
The purpose of this blog is to give honest book reviews to enhance your reading pleasure and DIY recipes that are chemically free and earth friendly.
She reviews for the following sites:,,,, Thereadingroom,, and private request. Reviews are posted on major book sites and social media.
Comments and constructive suggestions welcomed. Enjoy your journey through the site. Sit down, relax, grab your favorite beverage, and read a book.
Book Review Policy: “I prefer mobi for kindle as I read through Kindle on an iPad. However, I will accept other formats as well as hard cover and paperback.”
“All genre are eligible for review except erotica and sexually explicit books. As of August 2016, I no longer review erotica or sexually graphic novels. This is not an indictment of any genre or author, rather a personal and spiritual decision I felt led to make.”
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