I’ve created some WordPress themes on my own. Currently, you must make sure your website is mobile friendly and secure. You want to make sure people can navigate your website easily on their phones or tablets. But where can you find responsive mobile WordPress themes?
Depending on what you need your website to do will determine what kind of template you need.
Questions you can ask yourself are:
- Do I want to sell directly from my website?
- Will I use a third party shopping cart?
- Is my website only informational?
- Will I need landing pages?
- Is it too busy?
- Does it look old fashioned?
- Does it emphasize the content?
- Can my visitors find the information they need?
These are some of the starter questions you might ask before you decide on a template. If you need a shopping cart that works with PayPal or another system, you have to search with that in mind. If you need to be able to create numerous landing pages, you add that to the search terms.
Find Responsive Mobile WordPress Themes!
Always search for responsive and mobile friendly!
WordPress.org has a theme directory. You can also search for best of lists. I used these terms in Google.
“best wordpress themes responsive mobile friendly 2017” I threw in free and landing pages and came to this link https://colorlib.com/wp/landing-page-wordpress-themes/ Have fun reviewing the themes but look to make sure it has everything you need or you can add a plugin to get what you need.
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