Daisy came into my life several years ago. She was a perky florist who fell in love with Harrison, a character from another book. Once I understood her depth of love for serving others and her faith in God, she was the perfect one to lead the group in Planted Flowers. She became the first of the women of Planted Flowers.
Who are the women of Planted Flowers?
The other women came from pieces of other women I have met. My small group leader was a loving Christian woman who shepherded a group of younger women. She loves each one of us still and keeps in contact.

Over the years, I met many women in bible studies, small groups, and support groups. I watched in awe as God met each need with individual care and precision. When a woman shared her experience with God, it opened my eyes to another aspect of God’s love and personality. The almighty God shared His gifts with us and provided for our needs while praying for each other.
Each woman in Planted Flowers seeks God in a different way according to her needs. In searching for God, they bond together and share their stories with each other. The honesty and vulnerability they give the others builds relationships providing the support God meant for us to have.
These woman are important to me because I wanted to portray the love and network of support to be found in a small group of fellow Christians.
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