.In 60 days, 2016 will be over and my goal is to finish all my books and publish them by then. And to be in a position to market my books. Just 60 more days!
60 more days
I’ve done plenty of learning this year, from revising the first draft of my novel to creating a cover to learning how to build a list. And I’ve revised all eight of my Driving with Anna devotions sending them to a copy editor, creating new colorful cover designs, and rewriting all of the book descriptions. Right now I’m slowly moving all of my books to another publishing website, Draft to Digital, so I can widen the reach of my books.
I’ve also created, revised, and published two new devotionals based on devotionals I’ve written in the past. Remembrance Book and Be Strong and Courageous. I have plans for several more devotionals. I still have to do some revising and typing in of copy edits for my new Love and Respect book. See all the books I’ve published this year at AnnaKPayne.com
I’ve edited four of the six novels in the new Planted Flowers book series. One is published. Two await the typing in of edits from the copy editor. One is nearly ready for the copy editor, just typing in my changes from the revision. And two have yet to be edited. I’ve created the covers and a prequel of sorts, How Planted Flowers Began and Other Stories. And I’ve created a new website devoted exclusively to Planted Flowers and the Planted workbook to be released in 2017.
The theme God gave me for this year is Finish. He will be Finishing me for many years. Part of that Finishing is me finishing projects he has given me to do. It’s been a hectic year, with lots of changes and more to come. I’ve never been more excited for a new year.
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