How do I stay focused on writing? It turns out I don’t really focus on writing. I have times I sit down and get very involved in a character’s life. I’m amazed to see how they are making it through the moment and can’t wait to see what happens next.
Then there are times when my life is anything but focused on writing. Playing with my grandson who changes and grows every single day. Spending precious time with my middle child getting to know her all over again as an adult. Then thinking sad thoughts about my other two children and missing them so much.
Sometimes I have to do housework. For some reason it doesn’t get done all by itself. Sometimes I have to cook. And the more dreaded chore, sometimes I have to go to the grocery store. There is exercise, if I want to be active enough to chase after my grandson and to try to keep up with my husband someday on his hikes or kayaking.
Most of the time I have work to do, the paying kind. And I’m very grateful to my wonderful bosses who allow me to work from my home.
Mostly, I have wonderful family who allow me to talk plots and characters with them. And they understand when I tune them out to write. I can tune almost anything out except little fingers grabbing this new touch screen laptop. That I can’t ignore!
*Jasmine: first scene: a proposal text from her ex, a ring offered by the man at the table, and a man waving a knife and shouting her name. How did this happen?