After your book is published is when hard work begins. In order to sell in this market, your book needs:
- Reviews
- A landing page
- A way to get the word out
Getting book reviews is harder than you think, unless you already have a large list of fans willing to read your book and give their thoughts on it publicly, on Amazon or Goodreads. Asking family and friends is a good start, but they need to read the book and post their honest opinion.
While it is great to have all five star reviews, it isn’t believable your book will be fun to read for everyone. It’s okay to have less than five star reviews.
Having a landing page is part of a marketing strategy. This is a way for you to get more email addresses of your readers to announce new books or projects they might be interested in.
The landing page or website
It entails a page with a form to fill out just their name and email address, information on the book, an image of the book, and what they get if they fill out the form.
The next part of the landing page is the thank you page once they fill out the form. This page has your navigation menus on it, side bars with related offers, and information on when and how they will receive what you promised on the landing page.
After your book is published, what’s next?
You can spread the word about your book using Facebook ads or sending out emails to your list of readers. You can also pay people to spread the word. Building your Facebook page now give you followers who can help when you publish your book later. It can appear contradictory to build a list of followers before you have anything for them. But it is the way of the world now.
Build relationships and credibility before you try to sell.
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