Zechariah 8:12-13“My core survivors will get everything they need—and more. You’ve gotten a reputation as a bad-news people, you people of Judah and Israel, but I’m coming to save you. From now on, you’re the good-news people. Don’t be afraid. Keep a firm grip on what I’m doing.”The ancestors of the people of Judah and Israel still today get a reputation as bad-news people. But God does watch over them. They are still his people. He does not give up. He does not quit. His covenant is forever.This same God is my God. He has made a covenant with me through his Son Jesus Christ. He says to me to not be afraid. He says to me to stay true to the path he has set for me.I had a dream where I was given the task to make a beautiful crafty art piece out of two pieces of fabric. I had a guide on the wall of how to do it. But I know that I cannot cut straight. I know this is not where my talent lies. But this is my task and I set myself to do it.The more I cut the worse it was. The pieces were crooked and did not match up at all with the piece on the wall. I stewed and became so irritated. I just couldn’t seem to make it okay. I was devastated. It was so important that I make this piece right.Then the pastor came in and said, “How lovely.” He swirled the pieces around on the cloth and arranged them with ease. When he was done it looked like my crooked pieces and mistakes were created specifically for this art piece. I was in awe.He looked up at me and said, “This is what God does. He takes our efforts and what we feel are useless. He moves them around into place to create the masterpiece He had in mind.”Lord, help me to not be afraid today. Forgive me of my sins. They are many. Help me not to give up but to keep moving forward into what you have asked me to do. Even when it feels as though I have only created a mess, you create a masterpiece out of it. You make my life worthwhile. Remind me to trust in you and your words today. Fill me with your peace and your joy to continue on this path.