My dad is…

My dad is…

Several years ago, my sister-in-law stumbled on a unique idea for my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary. She purchased a book for my dad, “My Dad…


Pray for who?

We need to pray for those in authority over us. Our leaders, lawmakers, policemen, firemen, healthcare workers, our bosses, and our parents. We pray for…

The Fire Rages Still

We’ve had two fires near us in the last month. The most recent fire came very close. I drove by some of the burned areas…


Who is that?

Visiting with my father in his advanced stage of dementia leads to exciting discoveries. My dad has an extensive imagination, he has invented brothers, sisters,…

What the New Year holds

Last year brought death, loss of job, funerals, joyous news, weddings, new adventures, new jobs, new opportunities, new projects, and renewed relationships. I’m anxious to…

Why I Tell Stories

Matthew 13:10-14 The disciples came up and asked, “Why do you tell stories?”He replied, “You’ve been given insight into God’s kingdom. You know how it works….