I know you love me and you have plans for me. I know you protect me and take care of me. But it seems as though my life is filled with disapproval and disappointments. I want to believe that you are there moving behind the scenes in my life. I want to believe that you are giving me what I need and building my character. But God, I’m tired of fighting. And I’m getting tired of doing and doing but only being wrong. Help me see what it is you have for me. Let me know if I am on the right path.

I am seeking you with all my heart. Show me the plans you have for me. Show me the goals I should be trying to meet. Let me know that all this work is not for nothing and I will keep moving on.

You know me. I will work hard. I will keep going in the face of opposition. If only I know you are with me. I am turning toward you. I am calling on you. I want to find you.

Psalm 55:4-8 My insides are turned inside out; specters of death have me down. I shake with fear, I shudder from head to foot. “Who will give me wings,” I ask – “wings like a dove?” Get me out of here on dove wings; I want some peace and quiet. I want a walk in the country, I want a cabin in the woods. I’m desperate for a change from rage and stormy weather.

Jeremiah 29:11-13 I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen. When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed. I’ll turn things around for you.

Partial lyrics to Newsboys song In the Hands of God.

We have raised our hopes and our cities’ high
We have followed fragile dreams
But only one could take the measure of our goals
And we’ve stumbled over the trials of life
And we’ve wrestled the unseen
And only one can calm the storm inside our souls

In the hands of God,
We will fall
Rest for the restless, and the weary
Hope for the sinner
In the hands of God,
We stand tall
Hands that are mighty, to deliver
Givin’ us freedom

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