Even so, Lord Jesus, Come

This week I researched the phrase, Even so. The original meaning of “even so” meant a strong agreement or a resounding yes! Over the last centuries, the definition has changed to “in spite of or nevertheless.” 

I wondered why the song wouldn’t leave my mind

I went to the scriptures to find the phrase, Even so. Some versions stopped using the words because the meaning had changed. We want Jesus to come, but not despite anything. We just long for His presence.

Revelation 22:20 He who testifies these things says, “Yes, I come quickly.” Amen! Yes, come, Lord Jesus.

I spent time researching the commentaries on Revelations 22:20. All of them said that this verse is the writer agreeing strongly, yes, Lord Jesus, Come!

Even so, Lord Jesus, come

How praying for Jesus to come quickly starts revivals

Our world right now is concerning. So much unrest throughout the planet. Every continent is showing chaos, and disasters, destroying lives and homes. The amount of accidents, bad decisions, and sorrow filling the news is unbelievable. The hate grows, frustration increases, and our hearts hurt.

Upon further reflection, in other times of despair, the people of God spent many hours asking Jesus to come home. We pray together now. Yes, Lord Jesus, come quickly. As our hearts turn toward God, we yearn for His presence in our lives. This yearning brings about changes in our hearts and minds. We turn again and again, closer to our Lord. We begin to see His hand in our lives and follow His ways more closely. 

Will You Pray with Me?

We find ourselves caring about the situations of the widows, orphans, the poor, the sick, and the marginalized with humble hearts. And we begin to change things around us to take care of them.

We strive to heal our lands and bring peace to all. The lives of those around us are made better, and they turn to God, also. This repeats over and over, with the circle ever widening until the revival in our hearts spreads around the globe.

No longer will we allow selfishness and lies to move freely through society. We put pressure on all to care for each other. The world could return to a law-based order. Governments would put an end to corruption. Evil will be restrained once more.

Yes, Lord Jesus, Come Quickly

Will all come to the Lord and be changed? We do not know. We yearn for His presence around us. The Holy Spirit cries out in us, Come quickly, Lord Jesus, come.

Will you continue to pray with me?

Check out the post from last week, or go straight to the Daily Prayer section, where you will find scriptural daily prayers.

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