Everyday I am bombarded with a great opportunity to learn new and better methods. New and better what? Ways to write, ways to set up websites, ways to blog, ways to plan blogging, ways to monetize, ways to do just about everything. And what I really need to do is finish!
Focus on Finishing
I have a to do list so long I spend five minutes everyday marking off the things I know I won’t finish today. This is depressing to look at the complete list. What can I get done today? How will I get it done? What must I do today?
Do th
e Basics – Do the Dishes
Basics – eat, work to earn money, exercise or stretch, focus on God, spend time with my family, and write. Any one of these things could take over my day. I have to focus. Do a little every day so I can eventually finish. Don’t start anything new until I finish all of these things! When will I know I’ve finished? With a list like this?
I’ll learn focus. What is the most important thing I need to do this year? Or next year? How can I break down my list into reachable goals?
I have a list of things I need to finish for my writing. They are getting shorter, it just doesn’t feel like it. But I will finish. But right now, it is time for family!