Less than 9 days remain to finish my #NaNoWriMo novelettes in November. I surpassed 40,000 words last night so I’m on target to win. But I think what I love about it isn’t the winning or the accomplishment of finishing another story. but the freedom to concentrate wholly on the telling of the story. I love the fleshing out of the scene outline, finding out what really happened, what the characters were thinking.
Sometimes while I’m writing I can hear the characters talking, I can feel their pain or their joy. And I can watch their faces as they discover just how much God loves them. That peace that steals over their faces when they realize he died for their sins, he rose and waits for their companionship, he listens for their voices every day.
The sweetest thing about meeting people in this life is to discover how unique God has made them. Their experiences, their lives, give them a special point of view in seeing God work in the world. Getting to know them and helping them to shine in some small way is a joy.
As we draw near to the end of another November, family and work vie for my time, as I move toward the goal of a finished book series, I look forward to a new series based out of my new town. The stories are running rampant in my mind and imagination. I see months of hard work editing the series to bring them to publication. After a full month of enjoying writing again, I’m ready to start editing again.
*Rose is working to get away from the man who became a dangerous stalker. Will she find purpose in her life and a man to love?