What? Charlie gets a Kitten? I thought people got kittens, not cats. But cats get kittens all the time. When there is just an older cat and a lively kitten, the older cat gets tired out. Nap time is essential!
What? Charlie Gets a Kitten?
But Charlie is not really that old. He is barely into his third year, according to Sweetheart. Think of him more as a teenager fresh out of high school.
Then you can relate to Charlie’s chagrin at having to cover the poo in the cat box. And especially when he has to clean Ginger’s bottom. That’s not a chore generally given to older teenagers.
How does Charlie feel about the Kitten?
You’ll have to read the story to find out. Charlie is used to taking naps, eating, and going out when he wants. All of that is about to change.
What’s Next?
Charlie Gets a Kitten is the last of the Charlie Storybooks. Look for the hardcover edition of all five of the Charlie Storybooks.
On the horizon are the Charlie Picture Books for the Young Reader, featuring “I am a Medieval Cat.” Charlie pretends a lot as a kitten and he is ready to share some of his best stories.

And, for the older reader, Charlie Chapter Books are finally on their way. Charlie makes friends easily, and Ginger is just cute. When they leave the house, Sweetheart and Honey have no idea what they are doing!
I know you’ll be excited to read the Adventures of Charlie and Ginger. And how does fur go missing?