Charlie Gets a Girlfriend

Charlie Gets a Girlfriend

Delight in this heartwarming tale crafted for young readers. Enjoy “Charlie Gets a Girlfriend.”

In a world where friendship knows no bounds, join Charlie on a whimsical adventure as he crosses paths with the enchanting grey cat, Sophia. Delight in this heartwarming tale crafted for young readers. Enjoy “Charlie Gets a Girlfriend.”

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About the Book

In a world where friendship knows no bounds, join Charlie on a whimsical adventure as he crosses paths with the enchanting grey cat, Sophia. Delight in this heartwarming tale crafted for young readers. Enjoy “Charlie Gets a Girlfriend.”

Taken from real-life stories, the Charlie Books series follows Charlie’s adoption, moving states, finding love, getting a puppy, and finally, getting a kitten – heartwarming stories for young children.

Series: Charlie Books, Book 2
Genre: Children
Publisher: AP Creations
ISBN: 9798873652563
List Price: 10.99
eBook Price: 3.99
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