Have you read about the Planted Flowers groups and the Bible study workbook they use? Do you want to set up your own group but don’t know how? I want you to know how to set up a Planted Flowers group of your own.
Check out PlantedFlowersSeries.com
Sign up for a free membership at plantedflowersseries.com and get access to the forum. There you can set up an online Planted Flowers group for friends and relatives who are too busy or live too far away for an in person study group.
I hope to have an online study with my mom next year.
If you have a group of friends who meet regularly, you can simply have everyone purchase the Kindle version or the printed paperback version of the workbook. During the launch, there are special days where the workbook is either free or 99 cents. And the paperback is a reduced price of $9.99.
You don’t need to have read the Planted Flowers Christian suspense novels to get what you need from the workbook. But it is fun to enjoy the study with the ladies in the books. Each one has her own challenge spiritually and also danger lurking around the corner.
While I hope you won’t have any danger close to you, we all have difficulty believing God will help us through this season of our lives. In each book, the women follow the lessons in the workbook and find grace, peace, and joy in God.
Choose a leader who prays or is willing to pray
Choose a time to meet and gather in a room where you feel safe to discuss your feelings. Pick someone to be a leader of the group who prays regularly. They should also be calm, loving, and a person you can trust.
Once a leader is chosen, make sure they don’t do all the work. Offer snacks, drinks, help praying, and gathering information on the prayer hour or serving.
Learn how to set up a Planted Flowers group
If you need help learning how to set up a Planted Flowers group, contact Anna by clicking here. And use the resources found on the Planted Flowers series website.