Lianthorn looked at his wife standing in their kitchen with their newborn daughter. He had hoped for a son and hoped the Creator would bless them next time. He needed a son to carry on the warrior line.
Lille comforted Lilleka and frowned, “Now they decide is the time to honor you with this task? Why couldn’t they have done that last year? I will need help to move there.” Lille collapsed in a chair, patting Lilleka on the back. The baby burped loudly. “I will miss my family.”
Lianthorn shook his head. “It is an honor, and I must go. I will get you help to pack things. I must report in, and I’ll be back in a few weeks. That way, I can find a place to live and have it cleaned for you.”
Lianthorn, The Warrior
With tears in her eyes, Lille looked up. “You are good to me, Lianthorn. I will miss you, but we will be busy packing. If we leave most of the furniture, it won’t be that hard. We could store the furniture at my mother’s house.”
Lianthorn nodded, “I might find a place with furniture. I’m sorry, Lille, but I have to go now. As it is, I’ll need to run the entire distance.”
Lille nodded, “May the Creator protect you and bring you back to me.”
Lianthorn kissed Lille’s cheek and touched the baby’s back. “May the Creator keep you safe until I return.”
The Journey to the Temple
Lianthorn quietly closed the front door, picked up his pack of weapons, and began running. As he ran, he contemplated the Creator’s plan for him. Since he was a boy, he had trained with the warriors of his village. They were close to the border, and his village was tasked with protecting Windware from the outsiders.
Now, he was to protect the High Prophetess. Serving her was an honor. “Creator,” he prayed, “Guide my steps and keep my heart pure. I want to do Your will. Keep me strong and protect my family.” Feeling energized, Lianthorn increased his speed, racing through the forest.
Along the way, he was joined by a Pemba. He smiled, comforted by the answer to His prayer—a Pemba for company on his trip. The Pemba changed its direction several times, avoiding the road in several places. He wondered why but followed the leading of the Pemba. Pembas communed with the Creator from a young age.
Lianthorn meets the High Prophetess.
Just as the sun set, Lianthorn arrived in the Amber Glen and hurried to the Temple of the Creator. Once in view of the Temple, the Pemba disappeared. A warrior stirred at the doorway. “Who are you?”
Lianthorn stood tall, “I’ve been summoned here to serve the High Prophetess.”
The Warrior stared at him, “Then you are late. The High Prophetess has already retired for her evening meal and rest.”
A voice spoke behind the Warrior, “Nonsense, Ian, let him in.” Lianthorn saw the silhouette of a woman in the doorway.
Ian, the Warrior, stepped aside for Lianthorn to enter. “Go on,” he said.
The High Prophetess is Beautiful
Lianthorn entered the Temple and stopped as a gasp filled him. Before him was the High Prophetess, the most powerful and beautiful woman in Windware. She smiled at him and led him to a room off the main hall.
Elianna turned and spoke to Lianthorn, “We didn’t give you much time to get here. I hope you said goodbye to your family. I think you will like it here.” Elianna sat on a couch and nodded to a chair for LIanthorn.
LIanthorn blushed, “High Prophetess, I apologize. I ran all the way here, and I could ruin the chair.”
Elianna laughed. “If you must. Oh, well. Your duties will be to escort me everywhere I go. Although, I mostly stay here. Ian found you a place to stay. It is mostly furnished and has two bedrooms. He left some provisions for you there. Come back in the morning, and we will discuss your schedule and how you will get your family here.”
Lianthorn bowed, “Thank you, High Prophetess.” He stood still, wondering what he should do next.
Lianthorn explores his new home
Elianna sat back on the couch, “You may go, Lianthorn.”
Soon, he was back outside looking at Ian. Ian locked the door to the Temple and walked with Lianthorn to his new home. “I hope this will serve you and your family, Lianthorn. Let me apologize for earlier. I was waiting for you and was late for my evening meal. Good evening.” Ian hurried away.
Lianthorn walked into the home and explored every room. Then he knelt on the floor, raised his hands, and thanked the Creator for answering his prayers. The house was perfect. Elle would be pleased.
Early the following day, Lianthorn presented himself at the Temple. He was met with chaos. Elianna stood before several warriors, one of whom was covered in blood. “It was an unprovoked attack?” she asked.
Lianthorn heard a man whisper, “We were not ready for it. No one knew. But the Pemba hid the baby, and she is safe.”
Lianthorn’s first mission
Elianna released a sigh. “That is why I sent Alani to Arches Way. I wondered.” She looked at Lianthorn. “I want Lianthorn to run to Arches Way and ensure little Anya arrives at her new home safely.”
Ian protested, “He has only arrived, High Prophetess. How could he run to Arches Way?”
The High Prophetess stood tall, “He ran all the way here, Ian. He can make it to Arches Way. Go now, Lianthorn. Run with the Creator.” Lianthorn turned and ran out the door. She turned to the Pemba by her side. The large animal nodded and disappeared.
And again, Lianthorn raced through the forests with the Pemba by his side. Grateful for the guidance and company, Lianthorn increased his speed. Mere hours later, he came to a clearing where a couple stood with two Pembas, and the woman was holding a baby.
The Warrior Meets Anya and Cato
The woman looked down at the Pembas and then up at Lianthorn. “Welcome Lianthorn. We are grateful for your protection.”
Lianthorn looked down at the Pemba at his side, but he had disappeared again. The woman smiled, “RaJa has finished his quest, and you are here safe. He has returned to the High Prophetess.” She looked down, “This is Anya’s Pemba, Cato, and my Loki. I am the middle prophetess, Alani, and this is Ephiar.”
Ephiar put his arm around Alani, “We need to start for home, Alani.”
Loki took the lead, followed by Ephiar and Alani. Cato walked by Alani. And Lianthorn brought up the rear. He could hear Elle say inside his head, “You are my Warrior. I love you.” As tired as he was, he continued behind the group, keeping watch for possible dangers.
At one point, Alani drooped, and Ephiar took the baby in his arms. Cato stood beside Ephiar, and Loki allowed Alani to rest on his back. But they continued walking until an hour past dark.
The Warrior’s surprise
Finally, they reached a village and pushed into a house. Ephiar placed Anya in a box by the bed, and Cato laid down next to her. Alani crawled into the bed and fell asleep. Ephiar brought out food for the Pembas and the two men.
“Thank you, Creator, for our safe travels. Be with Lianthorn as he journeys back to Amber Glen tomorrow.” Ephiar said. “Eat, warrior.”
Lianthorn ate his fill and watched the Pembas finish their food. Cato went back to the bedroom, but Loki stared at Lianthorn. It made him nervous, but Ephiar chuckled, “He has a message for you. I will wake Alani.”
Ephiar moved into the bedroom, and LIanthorn heard whispering. Ephiar appeared again. “I will sleep in the bedroom. You may sleep out here. There is a blanket in the sitting room. Loki said the Creator wants you to return home and gather your wife and child. Then you can journey again to Amber Glen.”
Lianthorn nodded and went to the sitting room. He found a soft blanket there and lay on the floor. “Thank You, Creator, for Your blessings.”
Several Years Later
Lianthorn proudly watched his daughter and son playing on the floor. They discussed strategies of war with their rocks and sticks. Elle stirred the pot on the fire. “Nearly time for dinner. Elleka, prepare the table. Lianth, bring more firewood to me and fill the living area box, too.”
The children hurriedly obeyed their mother. Their favorite meal was in the pot. Elle smiled at Lianthorn. But then she frowned. “What is wrong, my warrior?”
Lianthorn waved his hand in denial. “It is nothing. At least, I think so.”
Elle placed her hands on her hips, “Speak, warrior.” The children giggled.
Lianthorn smiled. “Something is going on with the High Prophetess. I’m concerned with her dealings with the outsiders. I think something has changed, but I can’t figure out what.”
“What does Ian say?” Elle asked.
Problems for Lianthorn
“He says I’m imagining things. But the High Prophetess looks pale, and RaJa is, I’m not sure, troubled?” Lianthorn said.
“Pray to the Creator and ask Him for clarity. You are a warrior. He will show you how to protect the High Prophetess.” Elle said.
Lianthorn nodded, “Spoken like a true warrior, Elle.”
Lianthorn prayed in his heart, rising from his bed during the night to pray again. And still, he prayed again. His heart became more troubled. Memories presented themselves, showing Ian acting differently toward the outsiders.
At dawn, RaJa appeared beside him. Leanthorn had no idea how RaJa had entered the house. He rose and did his chores before leaving for the Temple of the Creator. RaJa stayed at his home. Still feeling troubled, Lianthorn prayed all the way to the Temple. Ian stood in the doorway and looked at him in anger.
“Ian, what is wrong?” Lianthorn asked.
Lianthorn is summoned
“You are wrong. The High Prophetess wants to see you immediately. Go to her.” Ian said.
When Lianthorn saw the High Prophetess, he was stunned. “High Prophetess. What is the matter? Are you ill?”
Elianna turned to Lianthorn, and he shivered from the chill. “RaJa left me during the night. He isn’t coming back to me. I am no longer the High Prophetess. Your services are no longer needed here. Gather your family and vacate your home. Travel to Alani.”
Lianthorn couldn’t believe how transparent the High Prophetess looked. It made her seem otherworldly like she had died.
“Lianthorn, warrior, go now.” Elianna pointed to the door, and Lianthorn left the Temple.
Lianthorn and family flee Amber Glen
When he arrived home, he explained to Elle what they must do. Elle looked around the house and nodded, “We will pack only our clothes and toys. Only what is necessary and personal.” She nodded at RaJa lying where the children played. “Is he coming with us?”
Lianthorn shrugged, “How would I know? Maybe. We are to leave now.”
“Yes, warrior.” Elle clapped her hands, and the children jumped to their feet. “We are doing the packing drill. Find your bags and fill them with your clothes, toys, and anything that is yours. I will add blankets and bedding as well as my things.” She waved at the children, “Time!”
The children ran from the room laughing. Lianthorn shook his head, “That’s amazing. How did you know to train them?”
“I just didn’t want a repeat of last time. Father did write that our house is free again.” Elle said. She handed Lianthorn a large bag, “Here is your bag.”
Elle’s preparation pays off
Lianthorn hugged Elle and then took the bag. “Yes, ma’am.”
Lianthorn’s family said goodbye to Amber Glein less than an hour later and walked with RaJa through the forest. Again, RaJa guided them off the road several times. By nightfall, they were almost to their old house.
Elle stumbled into the house and set down her bag. The children did the same. They laid on the floor. Lianthorn looked at his family with concern. RaJa had disappeared again. Lianthorn wondered if he would be back soon.
Then the door opened again, and Elle cried, “Father!” She ran and hugged him. Her father handed Lianthorn the basket in his hand. “That’s dinner and breakfast in there. We’ll bring the furniture back tomorrow.”
RaJa stays
RaJa walked in the door and stood next to Lianthorn. “The Pemba told us you were home. We spoke to the Prophetess today when he showed up. She explained what had happened.”
Elle’s father set Elle aside and ruffled the children’s hair. Then he went home. Lianthorn looked at Elle. “He’s still here,” she said, pointing to RaJa.
“I see that. Let’s eat and go to bed.” Lianthorn said.
I hope you enjoyed The Warrior’s story. You can also read Cato’s story and The Hunter’s story. Anya, The Prophetess is coming soon. Check all of the books here.