Is Writing Family History Books for you?My grandmother wrote a family history book. Lines are Fallen is about our family and why they came to this country. She focuses in on her mother and she tells about her history through her mother’s experiences. Here she talks about her faith, her way of life, and her strength.  Is writing family history books for you?

Writing family history books are great for anyone related, but it can also attract many others by focusing on one aspect of the story.

  • What are the most memorable events in your family history?
  • Is there a main theme running through your lives?
  • Can you see in your mind’s eye something exciting or full of passion?

Lines are Fallen – A Woman of Faith

My great-grandmother was a woman of faith and she leaned on God to give her the strength to carry on through the various trials of her life. She lost children but she could laugh and enjoy life.

My grandmother captured the essence of her mother through the telling of her life and showing her faith through stories and history she discovered. Using letters from cousins, nieces, and nephews, she brought to life the dry facts of life into a story of faith.

Is Writing Family History Books for You?

Do you have a story you want to tell? Are the memories something you can share that will inspire hope or encourage someone to seek God? Do you seek to show the love of God as it lives in your family life?

Maybe you are still in the middle of a family story and want to start documenting it. One way of doing that is to start a family legacy website. This is someplace online where you write stories, add photos, share videos, and create a place of sharing for your family.

At whatever stage you are in, let me know if you would like help. Send me an email and share your ideas. Let’s see how you can focus your story to help others and document your family history for future generations.

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