Introducing Morro Bay Mysteries! Meet the fourth-generation German shepherd police dog, Donner, and his cowboy hat-wearing sidekick cat, Festus. Lucas and Emily arrive in Morro Bay for a cool vacation in a small town. Lucas needs rest and fresh air to recuperate from pneumonia.
Introducing Morro Bay Mysteries with Donner and Festus
Robbie manages to insult seagulls in the first few hours. Susie catches the eye of the effusive Festus. And Myra is kept busy tapping out notes. Under the protective eye of retired police chief Wilson, Lucas and Emily feel safe until the bodies show up.
Donner and Festus set out to find the missing dead body with the help of seagulls, sea lions, and sea otters. He manages the owls, coyotes, and other animals together into a wide net of informants. Jeffrey and Myra interview the sea lions on a daring adventure on the water. Meanwhile, Robbie falls into the bay, requiring a sea otter to land him ashore again.
“Morro Bay Mysteries: Donner and Festus” is Book 8 in Emily’s Cat Mysteries.
Join Jeffrey and the cats as they navigate the bay with Lucas and Emily
This book also serves as the prequel to the series Morro Bay Mysteries with Donner and Festus.
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