Book 7 in Emily’s Cat Mysteries is published and ready to read. As I am introducing Recovering From Trauma: Getting Back Home, I’m also speeding ahead with writing book 8. A writer’s work is never done!
The interesting part of this book is the timing of it. My mother fell again and is recovering slowly from her injuries. She is currently in rehab, working hard to get back home. There is the trauma for my mom at 94 years young when she has to learn to walk again. There is additional trauma for my brother and his family, who are the primary caretakers for my mom. Rehab, this time, is a thirty-mile drive one way. I know that makes it challenging to be with my mom.
How will you recover?
And then there is the trauma for my other brother and me as we pray for wisdom and healing for all involved. Last time, I flew to Illinois within two weeks so I could be there to help her recuperate at home. But her injuries were more numerous and severe this time, so we wait to hear when I could help. Week by week, she improves, and they re-evaluate her condition. Do they continue or discharge her?
What does this have to do with Emily and Lucas? And why the new cover? Lucas is in the hospital trying to get back home. Jeffrey and Susie are in the veterinarian clinic trying to get back home. Emily is stuck at a neighbor’s house with Robbie and Myra, trying to sort through the paperwork, red tape, and more to get back home. Everyone has to slow down and give themselves time to heal. It is difficult to fathom the shock and sorrow on top of worry for those injured.
Our past will always be part of our future, but we can move on
Think back to the pandemic years, when everything was frightening and uncertain. We were all worried and in shock. How could this happen? And then tragedy struck again and again. We all wanted to get back home as it used to be. But we can’t. We have to move forward from where we are.
Introducing Recovering From Trauma: Getting Back Home
The kittens are growing up and moving toward adulthood. They are not quite two years old but past the halfway mark. They look like grown-ups but still have their moments. After the fire, the sunroom will change. And Lucas is a large part of their lives. So it is time for a new look.
We all want to get back home, to feel safe, and to belong.
As you read this book, remember to give yourself time to feel the losses and shocks you’ve endured. We all deserve to recover from trauma. We learn to accept that it happened, and it changed our lives. Then, we move on to the next thing. We all want to get back home, to feel safe, and to belong.
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