I wanted to share this with you because I love bundles and the opportunity to try out different things I wouldn’t normally buy. The wealth of items you can use as your child grows and matures is amazing. I’d have to say, the Farm Life Quiet Book is my favorite but my grandson doesn’t read it quietly. And the joke book. I love jokes! Check out the Parenting Super Bundle!
It’s over $1200 of resources for less than $30! Just 6 days only starting August 9th! Ended August 14th!
I’m not a crafty person. My idea of science or art for homeschooling was to take a small table and a lawn chair outside (chair for me!) with either play doh, water colors, or some sciency thing. They could make all the mess they wanted and I only needed the hose to clean up!
There are some really cute things here. A Farm Life Quiet Book and a Joke book! Books to teach your children crafts, character, and more!
Check out the Parenting Super Bundle!
If you need more organization, this bundle has routine charts, chore cards, and back to school planners!

What about discipline? I love the Emotion Coaching! The best thing I did with my kids was to take them through emotions classes to teach them the right way to express their emotions! Plus helpful how to books!
Do you home school or your kids an extra edge? Here are books for math, literacy, spelling, creative writing, art, and home economics.
Fun devotionals for kids are always welcome. My son surprised me when he reminded me of the verses we memorized when they were young! Check out the memory workbook, a coloring journal, printables, and helps for parents.
There are more fun things on food, homeschooling, outdoors, and parenthood, as well as special needs, special occasions, and a whole section for toddlers and preschoolers!
This bundle comes in a variety of formats for all learning types. There are audio, membership sites, printables, workbooks, ebooks, ecourses, and emagazine.