As this year draws closer to the holidays and the end of a season, I again am faced with reviewing my progress, reviewing my life, to make sure my goals still align with God’s will for me.
I need to check my faith on a daily basis, but also, monthly, quarterly, and yearly, as I get bogged down easily with the next project. I want to fill my heart with God’s word and pray effectively.
Checking my faith
Lord, help me to examine myself. Show me how reviewing my life daily can change me. You, Jesus the Anointed One, live in me. Show me how to live right. Test my purity and help me lean on You for wisdom. Lord, I walk by Your Spirit and review everything to seek truth.
I review my actions, and I see the work of the Father. I am in Jesus Christ, who is in the Father. I review my life to approach communion confidently in Christ Jesus. Lord, You allow me to stand pure and blameless before You. I seek to please You, My Lord God and Savior. I do not seek the approval of men.
God searches my heart
Search my heart, Lord, O Eternal One. Examine my heart and mind. Forgive me of my sins and secure me with Your righteousness. From my deepest longings to every thought that crosses my mind, review the intents of my heart. I seek to know the one True God. You set this world right by Your standards, and by Your faithfulness, You examine Your people.
Lord, review my heart to see if there is even one evil bone in me. Guide me down Your path forever. You see what is deep inside of me. You probe my innermost heart and review my innermost thoughts. You carefully remove pieces from my life so I will bear more fruit.
1 John 4:1 My loved ones, I warn you: do not trust every spirit. Instead, examine them carefully to determine if they come from God, because the corrupt world is filled with the voices of many false prophets.
Psalm 7:9 Please, bring the evil actions of these wicked, wicked people to an end! But secure the righteous, For You, righteous God, examine our hearts and minds.
Psalm 26:2 Put me on trial and examine me, O Eternal One! Search me through and through—from my deepest longings to every thought that crosses my mind.
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