my mom and dad nanowrimoIt was hard work but I finally finished the plots and scene outlines for all three books I plan to write this month. My goal is to write about 2000 words a day and complete 60,000 words by November 30th. I’m very excited!

NaNoWriMo is in November

I’ve managed to gain a few new writing buddies this year, one of whom is my mom! We are hoping that she will have time to write on her book in between taking care of my dad and her own snippet and blog writing.

My plan is to refresh my How To Write A Series class from Holly Lisle and make sure I am fulfilling all my promises to my readers. Then I can finish learning how to edit the first drafts.  I hope to begin publishing these books mid year.

Meanwhile, I’ll be working on the covers for each of the books by employing a talented young woman in Orange County. It will be fun to see the different covers come alive!

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