The time you will spend on this project will be as much or as little as you would like to spend. If this is a family project, then others can write different chapters or lines of information. You can even set it up so that they can upload information but you have the final edit and publishing rights. How long do I need to spend on it?
If you would like photos added to the website, then you will need to take the time to gather photos. These can be recent family photos or family history photos. It is up to you.
Trying to find dates for major life events can be easy depending on whether anyone else has pulled that information together and made it available.
We can supply you with a list of questions that you can fill out on your own or we can set up a time for an interview either on the phone or skype to help you gather the information needed.
If you like, we can take the information, dates, and photos you give us and write the story for you. You would, of course, have editing rights.
How long do I need to spend on it?
For a simple family history of one person or a single generation, the time involved can be very minimal. The Living Legacy Website could be finished in a week or two.
For a more involved family history, it would entail digging out old journals, letters and scraps of paper from old boxes. It would require contacting relatives, even those without Internet access who would need letters. It would mean taking advantage of public databases for births, deaths, and marriages.
This would be a project that would lend itself to a blog type layout which would allow you to add posts to different categories we initially set up, weeks, months down the road. But this will be a site rich in history for your family for many generations to come.
More on Living Legacy Websites
- Introducing Living Legacy Websites
- What is a Living Legacy Website?
- How long would I need to spend on it?
- What goes into a Living Legacy Website?
- Who creates a Living Legacy Website?
- How will I benefit?
- Can I also make a book?
- What are the steps?
- What does it cost?
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