Planted Flowers series page is the home of the Planted Flowers Christian suspense series. Follow the stories as they grow closer to God, find romance and danger, and create a network of support.
The Planted Flowers Women
- Lily – a single mother, newly divorced, and pregnant again, struggling to make ends meet, and exploring this whole Christian thing.
- Iris – a career woman with a controlled nature seeking to hear God and know His will for her life.
- Violet – a young, shy Kindergarten teacher who cares about her students and seeks support in her Christian life.
- Camellia – a beautiful, successful model who wants to know God, have friends, and give meaning to her life.
- Jasmine – a woman going through a separation who needs a job but has no experience and is seeking comfort from God.
- Rose – a young woman who meets the wrong man before meeting the right one, struggles with therapy and feels like a failure.
- Daisy – the leader of the group who prays for each woman and leads them through the Bible study.
Planted Flowers Christian Suspense series
Planted Flowers Bible Study Workbook – the actual Bible study the women use. You can change your life too!
With tons of free resources, you can create your own Planted Flowers Bible study.