Pray for who?We need to pray for those in authority over us. Our leaders, lawmakers, policemen, firemen, healthcare workers, our bosses, and our parents. We pray for who? We are asked to pray for:

  • those in authority over us.
  • the leaders of our country and other countries.
  • our leaders of the financial realm, the lobbyists, and the corporate leaders.

Isaiah 45:5 I am the Eternal One; there is no other God but Me, and even though you don’t know Me, I am preparing you for victory.

12 Weeks to Change Your Life Through Prayer

to check out the new ecourse as it unfolds. We are only a few weeks into it, but you can start anytime and move at your own pace. Based on the Pray Specifically Journal, this ecourse shows you how to use the Prayer Strategy Sheet and the Pray Specifically Journal as well as utilizing the two new Daily Prayer Guides. Change your life starting today!

Cyrus was a king that God had chosen to help protect the Israelites. Even though Cyrus did not know God, he prepared him, he chose him, he gave him a mission.

Our God is a mighty God. His strength and his influence are beyond our comprehension. How he works in men defies man’s logic. We are encouraged to pray for those in authority over us.

We are asked to pray for who?

1 Timothy 2:2 Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.

It doesn’t ask us to pray for their soul or their relationship with God. But we are asked to pray.

Too often I feel that it is hopeless to pray for those people. I can see the results of their thinking, of their values in motion. But it is not hopeless. God can use anyone to do his will. Because God is sovereign I need to follow his commands to pray for those leaders.

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And for those leaders who are Christians, I need to pray for them even more. They have many temptations. These leaders have long fights ahead of them. They need God’s strength and courage to keep fighting even in the face of what we see as defeat.

I want to see the fruits of my prayers. But my duty is to pray unceasingly for God’s people and for those in authority to do God’s will.

Lord, forgive me for my sin of hopelessness. Forgive me for giving up in the face of the news. Give me the strength to keep praying for your children, wherever they are in this world and whatever they are doing. Lord, keep me in a prayerful mindset. Let me turn to you and ask you to provide for your children so that they can live peaceful and quiet lives. Teach me to trust you more.

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