Creating a Living Legacy Website can take several forms. It can be your story and how you view it. The story of your family can be from your point of view. It can be a composite of your research into your family with old journals, letters and scraps of paper from old boxes. You may want to document a family line back several generations or you may just want to tell a simple story of when a girl met a boy. And I’m Introducing Living Legacy Websites.
No matter what kind of Living Legacy Website you want to create, all of them have one thing in common. The story is important.
Tell this story to enable the beliefs and values, the history and knowledge, and the wisdom learned to last forever. Now is the time to make the story come alive. Preserve the story on a Living Legacy Website.
Introducing Living Legacy Websites
- What is a Living Legacy Website?
- How long would I need to spend on it?
- What goes into a Living Legacy Website?
- Who creates a Living Legacy Website?
- How will I benefit?
- Can I also make a book?
- What are the steps?
- What does it cost?
Find out more about Living Legacy Websites using the links above. For more in-depth discussion, check out the books below.
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