Introducing The Three Ps Prayer Book

The Three Ps Prayer Book

I’m introducing The Three Ps Prayer Book now because I wanted one. I wrote this book for me, so I have in my hands all the tools I need to deal with today’s world. I want to pray with confidence. My prayers center around protection, provision, and peace.

Memorizing scripture is on my to-do list. But having the promises of God at my fingertips allows me to pray specifically and scripturally. And I can examine more closely the Jewish traditional prayers that acknowledge the greatness of our God.

Introducing The Three Ps Prayer Book

I felt that a prayer guide similar to Strong Words was needed. In creating the protection and provision daily prayer guides, I also wanted to remind myself of these things:

  • The Presence of God
  • Who God is
  • Who I am in Christ Jesus
  • Confidence to boldly pray

Pray with Confidence in Christ Jesus

Why four different prayer guides in one book? One reason is it takes a month to create a habit. And the other reason is because if I want to pray with authority, I need to know my authority. Each week, I concentrate on God’s presence in my life and who God is to me. Next is a week of who I am in Christ, and lastly, praying boldly for my world.

Promise Topics for Different Situations

Whether you need to pray for healing, protection, weight issues, or for your loved ones, there are so many promises in God’s word to know His will. This is not an exhaustive list but a way to get started.

Suggested Memory Verses

Who can memorize so many verses? My husband has worked on a new memory verse weekly for over a year. He has memorized over thirty passages. When my children were young, we memorized scripture every day. At a home school camp, we put on a skit where we acted out Psalm 91. The two oldest quoted the scripture with us.

Learn more about The Three Ps Prayer Book here. Want prayer? Join the Restorer of Streets Community, or join my newsletter and send me your prayer requests.

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